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 <img src="image.jpg" alt="Christian Conservative Talk Show Host Michael Hart">

michael-hart-picture.jpgMichael Hart is a strong Christian Conservative voice, who is not afraid of taking on the Liberal Democrats as well as some misguided Conservatives. Michael Hart believes in and defends the rights, privileges and responsibilities embodied in the US Constitution.

Each weekday Michael tackles the issues of the day and the challenges that face this country, head on. Although humorous and lighthearted at times, Michael’s style is hard hitting, in your face, and often confrontational. There’s no mistaking that when it comes to protecting American culture, liberty, property rights, capitalism, individuality, the unborn, traditional marriage while defending this country from the people that would do her harm Michael Hart means business.

Michael’s background is as diverse as it is interesting. Michael Hart is the only talk host in the region that has been both quoted by Forbes Magazine and spent time behind bars.

After the horror of 9/11, Michael, desiring answers to the uncertainty of the times, became a talk radio fan. Feeling called to do all he could to help his country Michael went in to broadcasting in 2004 with the hope he too could be a voice to help calm the nerves of the nation.

Although slow going at first, five years later Michael found a home at Crawford Broadcasting, when he met a team of people that shared his vision. That America’s best days are ahead. And together with his radio family, Michael Hart is dedicated to spreading that message every day, while presenting his listeners with more than just the problems he provides the solutions as well. Source: michaelhartshow.com

Streaming links of Michael Hart courtesy of TalkStreamLive.com



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Discover, stream and enjoy Christian Conservative Patriot Talk show host Michael Hart