the 70' s as a kid in Scarsdale NY I have always loved music, sports and talk radio. I truly understand how
special that time and spot was to be a kid and fondly recall Cousin Brucie, Harry Harrison, Bob Grant, Yankee baseball with
the Scooter, Bill White and Frank Messer. WABC and WNBC were the top 2 stations with the later arrivals of
Imus and even later Howard Stern. Mark Simone was a classic voice filling the air with reason as the local rock
stations WNEW, WPLJ, WLIR and KROCK were taking care of the business of Rock N' Roll.
But for me Conservative Talk radio rose to the top as far as pure enjoyment. It
was always there for me teaching everything from Auto Mechanics/Politics/Home repair to Real Estate & investing. Talk
radio has simply been my longest and most loyal friend throughout all stages of life.
With limited outlets to vent my appreciation to the format
as a whole, I decided to say "thanks" via the Net hence "" was born. But exclusively
for Conservative Talk Radio. At
first I put up 5 or 10 top hosts on the homepage and simply linked them to their websites.As time passed in my spare time I kept adding great talk show hosts/shows as it
finally took some shape and eventually and accidentally morphed in to a comprehensive Conservative talk radio show
directory. Really the first of it's kind. I also wanted to add non political but conservative radio hosts, guests,
and various Internet active pro constitution patriots as other conservative resources as well.
God Bless America, our troops and Free Speech.
Well I hope you enjoy the site and always welcome new talent, questions or suggestions.
Thank you,
Kenny Kaplan TTR
Conservative Talk
radio is Liberalism's greatest threat hence our country's best friend.
a Top Talk Show host via email below.
Email Hot-Line # 404-403-0045