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Kuuleme's Book

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Kuuleme Stephens is a member of the Tea Party, Disabled American Veterans, the NRA and a Navy Veteran. Kuuleme is also a Mother/Actress/Model/Singer and is raising 3 beautiful young ladies, a recording artist/model/actress daughter and two nieces.
 Her articles have been featured on Red White and Blue news, Herman Cain PAC, enidnews.com, rightlinksblogs.com, amplify.com, The Conservative Praetorian, The Rowdy Republican, and others.  She was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. She is known for her "pit bull" personality and  does not back down. She is comfortable in all forums and excels in debating with Liberals. 
 Where most people chose to end a conversation because they see it as Liberals are not worth their time in a debate, Kuuleme sees it as a golden chance educate them.
Kuuleme has a record of converting Liberals into Independents on her Facebook page and that is considered a very big thing in the Black Community. She takes a lot of heat being a Black Conservative as you can see from her Facebook page, but is very thick skinned and keeps on fighting for her core beliefs. No one seems to be able to intimidates her and she proves very vocal in her views. Kuumele serves as the mouth piece on Radio for the
Last Civil Right because of her very vocal and take no prisoners style. Her co-authors are more religious than her and do not use cuss words often, where she is a true sailor at times. Kuuleme sees cuss words as colorful descriptive language instead of bad words.  She is a Conservative Independent, not a Republican as her co-authors on the Last Civil Right. People often get that confused because most of her views and stances are leaning Republican.
Kuuleme is a high demand TV and Radio guest and never fails to jam the call in lines. Be sure to catch this rising star Patriot and keep her links handy.


TV & Radio Booking requests send to kuuleme_69@yahoo.com

Britain's Facebook (Kuuleme's Star!)

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<img src="image.jpg" alt="Recording Artist Britain">

Music Player web

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Don't let her beauty fool you. She is known as the "Pit-Bull" and for good reason.  Lying buried and dormant in every sweet Pit-Bull lay the potential of a highly determined and efficient killing machine. If this beast is set free from within it becomes a ruthless fighter who clamps on it's prey tearing flesh and crushing bone while shaking the very life from it's now lifeless victim. Meet Kuuleme"Pit-Bull" Stephens who will inflict similar brutality and carnage with her intellectual tearing down and ultimate  incineration of the arguments coming from her misdirected and at times deceitful Liberal opponents (prey). She doesn't waiver, she doesn't doesn't disappoint.

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<img src="image.jpg" alt="Recording Artist Britain">

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Jan Brewer and Britain

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Join the leaders in our exploding Black Conservative Movement right here with Kuuleme Stephens and TopTalkRadio.com