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Talitha K. McEachin is a staunch Conservative, Republican & member of the Tea Party. Her Conservative articles have appeared on numerous political blogs/sites including that of CDN radio show host Kira Davis, redwhiteandbluenews.com, Yahoo News Network and the newly launched HermanCaintv.com , as well as the various political groups on social media outlets. She is well known for her candid opinions, humor & apologetics for the Conservative cause & the Christian faith. Talitha, an Atlanta native, has a B.A. in Biology & Philosophy from Georgia State University. She is an editorial writer for Black Literature magazine & the first novel in her fantasy series, The Elements, is due to be released in 2013. She also hosts the internet radio show “Book Reads” every Sunday featuring published writers from all genres.You can learn more about her writing & Her radio show is here:www.theelementsbooks.weebly.com.
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Herman Cain TV

TK McEachin is quickly emerging as a rising star in the leadership ranks of the Country's growing Black Conservative movement.  Her arrival comes none too soon at this desperate tipping point in time for the survival of our country. TopTalkRadio.com


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