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<img src="image.jpg" alt="Jimmy Z Top Talk Radio Host">
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With his first computer, Jimmy Z began chatting online about politics nearly two decades ago. Disappointment followed when he found that liberals were rarely able to engage in civil discussion of the issues in America. But through the Clinton years and the Bush II years, Jimmy Z kept writing at various venues online.

Jimmy Z began working with John Benko in 2004 on a political commentary website, A Newt One. The elaborate and well organized site reached a level of Google Page Rank 6 – quite an achievement for two guys writing about politics. A Newt One also debuted an internet radio show, hosted on a radio site. That show, AmericanTruth Warriors, caused a great deal of trouble among conservatives when Mr. Benko predicted that only Sarah Palin (who?) could give John McCain a fighting chance in the 2008 general election.

A Newt One peaked as Barack Obama was elected President and Mr. Benko decided to leave political commetary. ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ debuted in January of 2009. Since then, ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ has posted 600 hours of programming and has gained many listeners through promotion online at Facebook and other such venues.

From the show page at TheJimmyZShow.com, listeners can check out Jimmy Z’s videos at YouTube, his Twitter account or join his email subscriber’s list. Every show ever produced is archived on the website, and Mr. Z keeps an incredible library of supporting documentation in the form of internet links to the stories and the audio used in each show.

Jimmy Z is a Christian Conservative who believes that the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only documents America needs. He is devoted to electing the right people who also believe that our Constitution protects us from tyranny. He believes our government should once again be made small and kept from intruding on the lives of the American people. Source: RedStateRadio.com


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