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Learn to better express your Christian Faith with "Magic Man in the Sky"

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What are people saying about THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY ?
"Carl Gallups is quickly emerging as one of the most passionate, courageous and stimulating Christian radio talk-show hosts in the country. He is absolutely fearless."

-Jeffrey T. Kuhner, columnist, radio talk-show personality and President of the Edmund Burke Institute for American Renewal

 "Carl Gallups has created a work as unique as the man himself. The danger of studying biblical apologetics is that all too often it creates an environment as sterile and strange as a surgical room. Though vitally needed, these books tend to be complicated, rarely enjoyable, and more than a little intimidating. In The Magic Man in the Sky, Carl Gallups takes the reader into a real world setting to which he can easily relate. The book flows, as does life, through the telling of a story."

- Dr. Dennis Brunet (Ph.D.) Adjunct Professor - New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Senior Pastor - Midway Baptist Church Midway, Fl

"In this hour of all-but-universal darkness, a bright ray of hope and confidence shines forth from the truths of this book. In a time when lives are marked by a growing hunger for spiritual realities, a hunger that cannot be satisfied with unanswered questions ignored and evaded by evolutionists, Carl Gallups, with remarkable ability and profound truths from Scripture, reveals the truth that real science and Holy Scripture are inseparably linked."

-Dr. Fred Lackey
Assistant to the President - University of Mobile
Past President - Alabama Baptist Convention

Congratulations for producing such a spiritual book. America needs to go back to its Judeo-Christian foundations that the Left and so called Liberals have been trashing for almost 50 years. God bless you.

Ibn Q. Rassooli - Author of best selling book - LIFTING THE VEIL

From the pre-release sample chapters I read, Carl did a great job debunking evolutionists. Long overdue.

Jerry McGlothlin - Founder & CEO - Specialguests.com

Yes I have known the God of the Universe personally and experientially but to have his existence confirmed on a cerebral, rational level completes the tapestry painted by Jesus who famously said in Luke 10:27 we are to love the Lord our God with our entire mind... this book will take you there.

Mike Shoesmith - Author, talk radio personality, Social Media Coordinator for the world famous and viral You Tube channel, PPSIMMONS

"Few authors articulate the intellectual condition of the church as clearly and effectively as does Carl Gallups in his new book, The Magic Man in the Sky.  Compelling story telling, careful construction of thought, and solid theological foundations provide one of the best defenses of a biblical world view currently available.  I solidly endorse Gallups' work."  
-Dr. Mark Foley, Ph.DPresident, University of Mobile
"A long time ago in a galaxy not far away, ignorant folks believed in spontaneous generation, wrongly thinking that life simply jumped out of non-living matter. As Carl Gallups so rightly shows us, those people are still around today. They're called atheists."
-Joe Kovacs, best selling author of "The Divine Secret" and "Shocked by the Bible"
