Shad Olson is a syndicated radio host, television news anchor and author whose work
has garnered some of the most prestigious awards in broadcast journalism including the Edward R. Murrow Award, Emmy Awards
and a National Emmy nomination for ‘Best Documentary.’ Then came Tax Day, 2010.
Troubled by the course of our nation, Shad’s mainstream media career came to an unceremonious end after
he addressed a Tea Party gathering in Rapid City, South Dakota on April 15th, 2010. After his patriotic speech, a subsequent
managed suspension from the anchor chair and thousands of emails of support from across the nation, Shad was told he could
only keep his television news position by making a public apology for his patriotic plea for Constitutional Revival.
The choice was clear. There would be no apology. Shad resigned.
latest syndicated radio show was heard in 140 cities in 28 states on a network of independent radio stations and
web streaming newspaper portals. Having lived in China as part of a foreign study program in 1995, Shad has seen firsthand
the culmination of planned economic subservience and ideological suppression currently under construction by the liberal left.
A sought-after public speaker, Shad has shared the stage with Glenn Beck, Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer
and a host of conservative leaders at Tea Party events and civic gatherings across the nation. Warped irreparably by
a formative regimen of steak, tofu, Schlafly, Buckley, Friedman, Hayek, Ronald Reagan and Ray Bradbury, Shad learned early
the family motto that would shape his passionate pursuit of critically-excised truth:
can now be seen on News Center One.