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Mike Gallagher is America’s most entertaining conservative,  displaying a sense of humor and timing honed over years in the cauldron of local and national radio talk show experience. Mike connects with his audience in a very personal way by creating compelling programming targeted at the issues men and women all over America truly care about. He has used his program to shine the white hot light of scrutiny on extremist groups and political charlatans and his one-on-one interviews with President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Mayor Rudy Guiliani, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Newt Gingrich, and other leading conservatives regularly generate national headlines.  His weekly sparring with Chris Wallace of FOX News Sunday every Friday is truly appointment radio. Listeners have shared the joys and sorrows of Mike’s family life, including his late wife Denise’s courageous public battle with cancer.


Gallagher doesn’t just jawbone the issues - he regularly takes his audience wherever major stories are happening: from his live broadcast in New York City as jetliners were crashing into the World Trade Center on 9/11  and the high school shootings at Columbine, Colorado, to Mike’s solid reporting from every Democratic and Republican National Convention and the campus tragedy at Blacksburg, Virginia. The Mike Gallagher Show is second to none in bringing his radio audience live reports from the scene of major events wherever and whenever they happen.

Mike Gallagher ’s road to being the 6th most-listened-to radio talk show host in the country (Talkers Magazine) began in 1978 as a 17-year-old high school senior in Dayton, Ohio. Mike talked his way into an on-air shift at WAVI-AM in his Ohio hometown and has been talking on the radio and television ever since. Mike’s broadcasting career has taken him from Dayton to WFBC-AM in Greenville, South Carolina (now WORD-AM/FM) where his ratings and revenue success led to his eventual promotion to station manager. He was also the host of the popular Tiger Tailgate Show on the Clemson Football Radio Network. From there, he became the afternoon drive-time leader in Albany, New York on upstate powerhouse WGY-AM.

From Albany, it was just a short drive south to the nation’s number one market, New York City, where Mike enjoyed a two year stint as morning drive host on WABC-AM, the nation’s most listened-to talk radio station. In 1998, Read More...

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Mike Gallagher & his beloved Puggle "Rorey"

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