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Steven Rosenblum

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Steven Rosenblum has been the host of CRF Radio (Conservative Republican Forum) on the BlogTalkRadio Network since 2009.

 His weekly commentary and punditry have been well received by conservative and Tea Party listeners.

 He and his co-host Daria DiGiovanni have interviewed candidates, office holders, authors, pundits and topic experts.
Their second interview was a "long shot" US Senate candidate by the name of Marco Rubio.
Since then they've had the pleasure of interviewing everyone from the late Andrew Breitbart to Congressman Allen West.

 Some of Steven's best "gets" for interviews have been: Congressmen & presidential candidates Thaddeus McCotter and Michelle Bachmann, author and pundit Michele Malkin, PJTV hosts Andrew Klavan, Stephen Kruiser, Scott Ott, Bill Whittle and Stephen Green, Congressman Steve King, Fox News contributors Mike Baker, Lt General Thomas McInerney, Major General Paul Vallely and national security expert KT McFarland.

 Steven has worked on congressional campaigns and been a conservative activist. He jumped into politics with both feet when he ran for the Florida State House as a Republican nominee in 2010.
In addition he has been a Republican precinct committeeman and an outspoken critic of politics as usual within the Republican Party at every level.
 Steve is also a contributor at Big Hollywood and his work can be read here

You can listen to Steven on CRF Radio, Saturday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm ET here.
You can follow Steven on Twitter here @StevenRosenblum.

"Americans 1st, Conservatives 2nd, Republicans 3rd"

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